Paul's journey to reclaim his driving privileges is a testament to determination and resilience. After experiencing two strokes that affected his cognition and information processing abilities, Paul's doctor delivered a harsh ultimatum: surrender his license or face a report to the DVLA. He chose the former, but this decision left him unable to even be a passenger in a car.

Refusing to accept this limitation, Paul embarked on a self-improvement mission. He dedicated himself to brain training and cognition-enhancing apps on his phone. Slowly but steadily, he trained his mind to handle the visual aspects of car travel. Gradually, he increased his ability to focus on the road as a passenger.

The turning point came during a conversation with his doctor about his travel arrangements to the surgery. Paul inquired about the possibility of regaining his license, explaining how he had conditioned himself to be a competent passenger. The doctor's response was promising: if Paul could pass a driving assessment, he could drive again.  Initially hesitant, Paul gained confidence from speaking to others who had successfully undergone the assessment process. He reached out to the Medical Department of the DVLA, completed the necessary forms, and secured an assessment with Drive Ability Northwest.

The assessment consisted of a cognitive evaluation by an Occupational Therapist and a driving assessment with an assessor and the therapist. Paul opted for an automatic transmission. After proving his vehicle control skills on an industrial estate, he was assessed on main roads, akin to a normal drive with directions from two passengers.

The outcome was uplifting, Paul was declared fit to drive. He shared the report with the DVLA, and after communication with his doctor, the DVLA concurred that there were no medical reasons to prevent him from driving. While awaiting the return of his license, Paul, legally allowed to drive under Section 88, eagerly anticipates the arrival of his new Motability car - a symbol of freedom and an end to three years of restrictions.