Activities and Courses Activities and Groups Activities and Groups Current Activities & Groups In order to continue aiding mental and social rehabilitation after stroke – we have developed a variety of support services. If you think any of the below would be beneficial for you or someone you know, please get in touch on 01942 824888 and we will happily talk through our services. They are as follows: Face to face groups (BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL - Please call 01942 824888 to enquire and book onto a session.) Think Ahead Tavern - Weekly Tuesday afternoons - (1pm until 2:30pm) The Tavern is a weekly pub-themed support group for male stroke survivors and carers. The group meets on Tuesday afternoons at 1pm at Ashland House, so if you are a stroke survivor or carer who enjoy all the fun, games and banter of their local pub – but can no longer have a beer, this is the group for you. The Snug - Weekly Tuesday afternoons - (1pm until 2:30pm) The Snug is a weekly women only activity group for stroke survivors and carers. It runs alongside our men’s group the Think Ahead Tavern on Tuesdays. Come along for a brew and biscuit with like minded people. Games, puzzles and other activities will be available on request too! Knit & Natter - Fortnightly Thursday afternoons - (1pm until 2.30pm)This is a relaxed, inclusive group which is open to stroke survivors and carers alike. You need not be an expert knitter - as our lovely group will guide you on your way to knitting mastery! And of course, there will be plenty of nattering alongside the needlework! An Introduction to Needle Felting - Fortnightly Friday mornings (10:30am until 12:30pm)Another relaxing, yet creative class - the fuzzy felters sees amazing tutor Linda guide you towards wool masterpieces! There is a small charge of £3 for materials. Art Group - Fortnightly Friday mornings (10am until 12.30pm - Tutor Janet 10.00am - 12.00pm) Join our talented art tutor Janet for this wonderfully relaxed and friendly class. You need not have painted before, as experts and novices alike are welcome. Music Group - Fortnightly Friday afternoons (1pm until 2:30pm) Come on down and join the gang along with our fantastic music volunteers Stuart and Agnes, for this fun musical based activity group. Singing sessions, drumming routines and opportunity aplenty to play your favourite instruments are in store. No prior musical experience needed, novices and experts welcome alike. Read Stuart and Agnes's personal story here. Book Club - Monthly Monday afternoons (1pm until 2.30pm) Do you love to read? Enjoy a good book? Well come to our Book Club! Like minded people connecting over a shared love of reading. Audio books also available. Digital Master class - Monthly Need help with your smartphone, tablet or computer? Bring your personal device, socialise, enjoy a cuppa and learn the basics at our free of charge, master classes. Each session is held at our Stroke Information Centre at Ashland House, where 1:1 help is available for all things digital. Dominoes Club - Fortnightly Friday afternoons (1pm - 2.30pm) Do you enjoy the classic, family fun game of dominoes? If yes then why not give our friendly group a try! Come along for some friendly competition, socialisation and plenty of brews along the way! Volunteer Peer-mentor Telephone Support Service: Using our team of experienced volunteers, all of whom have vast personal experience of stroke, we have established a telephone support service which allows regular contact with stroke survivors, their carers and families via phone or video. Our peer-mentors are best equipped to listen and understand personal challenges that come with a stroke, before sharing their personal experiences and advice. Telephone Buddy Club: Using a team of stroke experienced 'buddies', all of whom have personal experience of stroke as a survivor or a carer, we have developed our very own telephone buddy club! Members that want to receive a buddy phone-call will let us know, and we link them up with one of our volunteer buddies - who then make contact via telephone. Social Media Communities: Here at Think Ahead Stroke we are proud to boast a great Facebook and Twitter presence. Our pages keep you up to date with the latest stroke information, inform you of what is happening locally in the community, and invites conversation on the latest stroke support news. While many of us are facing a long period of isolation, you do not have to do this alone. Join our thriving online communities for support and company. Like us on Facebook by clicking HERE and follow us on Twitter by clicking HERE, and join our growing community of stroke supporters.