Our impact Our impact Each year, approximately 150,000 people in the UK experience stroke. While some make great strides to recovery, others are left to deal with long term physical health problems’ such as one-sided paralysis (hemiplegia), speech and communication difficulties, or a reduced visual field. There are also huge social consequences. For many survivors and their loved ones, life will never be the same again. People often face isolation, anxiety and depression as they struggle with changes in emotion; issues with concentration and memory; tiredness; and talking, laughing or crying for no reason. At Think Ahead, we understand the physical and mental difficulties faced by stroke survivors and those who care for them and provide a network of friendship, information and advice. An individual will often first choose to attend either our Self Care for Stroke educational programme, or our new Wellbeing Course to manage daily stress, anxiety and periods of low mood. Our ongoing calendar of events and activities has been designed to make sure that all of our members then continue to feel as involved in the group as they’d like to be going forward. With stroke now one of the biggest killers in the UK, we constantly strive to raise awareness of the dangers and signs of stroke and promote healthy lifestyle choices. The charity partners successfully with other organisations, to improve the quality of health and social care and support given to stroke survivors and carers across Wigan and Leigh.